vision, design, strategy, future, long term, mid term, global management


03-5219-1466 受付時間 9:00〜18:00(平日)

Vision & design thinking

Formulating strategies does not necessarily mean that the organisation as a whole understands and appreciates them. A vision is needed in order for a company to share their dreams and have tenacity to the right directions. A vision consists of both qualitative aspects such as the environmental factors of the future or directions to go, and quantitative aspects such as numerical target of sales, profit and/or market share. When you talk about your company in 10 or 20 years’ time from now, sales targets or its breakdown by business division on its own is not enough to encourage employees to make commitment and achieve such targets. One needs to speak about the directions the company want to take both logically and passionately based on the understanding of the future possibilities and the market environment. Similarly, if you show only images or descriptions about future and no statistics, your employees may not understand what to achieve, and may lack innovativeness and strengths to achieve growth.
The top management has to show the clear directions and the orientations as a story by defining the to-be image both qualitatively and quantitatively, assuming the discontinuous future. Afterwards, they need to identify actions required to achieve the objectives, this is what we call "back-casting."
In the process of implementing actions, the top management is expected to demonstrate a story on the assumed future, to-be images of the company and actions to take at the present in order to obtain understanding not only from your employees but also from the society. It would be ideal that all the employees can speak about the company vision in association with one's own episodes and be familiar with it rather than the top management imposing the ideas and thoughts on the employees.

Project case

  • 1. World-wide deployment of vision (precision equipment, Europe, North America, India, China, language: English)

    Deploying the corporate vision all over the world through workshops involving President and all the board members of the group, presidents and all the board members of overseas subsidiaries and key managers in China, Germany, India, Japan, Poland, UK and US for 4 years
  • 2. Intra-group deployment of vision (railway, Japan, language: Japanese)

    Deploying group vision of a railway company with numerous workshops with managers for 3 years
  • 3. Develop vision and mid-term plan (English IT consulting firm, Japan, English)

    Conducted a workshop involving the Japanese country manager and business unit managers from the UK, US etc